Team |
Team (EWF Endowment) |
0x120470-00000a0x120470000000000000000000000000000000000a |
20,901,790 |
7,115,943 |
This address received the both the operating fund and the endowment |
Community |
Community Fund |
0x120470-0000030x1204700000000000000000000000000000000003 |
0 |
14,332,094 |
Founders |
0x69aF09-84Ff350x69aF0912dd44dce2B2373dB4021788CbAd84Ff35 |
5,000,000 |
1 |
Tokens have not yet been claimed from the distribution contract |
Founder2 |
GSy |
0xb56161-4B1DF70xb561618a3Ea959a5E363643B267C4CB8fe4B1DF7 |
5,000,000 |
0 |
Tokens have been distributed over 10 different wallets |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #1 |
0x410aCA-1032550x410aCA87630bC74E32113f4d19C8853362103255 |
460,000 |
460,000 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #2 |
0x7D1AE9-b6095b0x7D1AE9AEef3ed42f3DB4E6b29C82379F6eb6095b |
660,000 |
35,000 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #3 |
0x699a66-fCD5410x699a66B6EC95db389C685F07Eee08E09ADfCD541 |
350,000 |
350,000 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #4 |
0x2af2E0-0DEe7c0x2af2E09A69f3C79E6d357cfa67028C7fb10DEe7c |
720,000 |
0 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #5 |
0x90eA07-7eC4b40x90eA07EC516f5957b5dd6251FB1B65C7bC7eC4b4 |
470,000 |
285,000 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #6 |
0x6523b3-d7e36a0x6523b3cFd89D20924117b1D659c6d82417d7e36a |
560,000 |
560,000 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #7 |
0xEA097e-dE50470xEA097e845bE2Fb4f37aF292EEdad6bfDA7dE5047 |
600,000 |
117,518 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #8 |
0x096696-CF12b90x0966962952fdFfB57C814BaD395B4bd001CF12b9 |
390,000 |
390,000 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #9 |
0x1D1A60-6cF94A0x1D1A606c4a8459CB531080313191c1Ea4e6cF94A |
450,000 |
450,000 |
Founder2 |
GSy wallet #10 |
0x87ef00-6Fe7710x87ef0070ea79da428d5b3428dCF13088536Fe771 |
340,000 |
40,853 |
Round A Affiliates |
Round A Affiliate #1 |
0xFD6790-2Efa290xFD679097fE0F914642af9857e5799332Fe2Efa29 |
2,000,000 |
2 |
See: 0x2ce42c-b0eBe1 |
Round A Affiliates |
Elia Group |
0x06920B-436D870x06920Bb91F7027176Cf373996D39B539ba436D87 |
500,000 |
736,699 |
Receives validator block rewards from Elia Group miner (PayoutAddress) |
Round A Affiliates |
Stedin |
0x3f11B4-d87Bfc0x3f11B4ad17FdE4695CAd64E109AE92a679d87Bfc |
500,000 |
0 |
All assets from this address were moved to the address that receives its validator rewards from the Stedin miner address |
Round A Affiliates |
Round A Affiliate #4 |
0x47428f-2d10960x47428fc08e56388372e7C81Ad4A1140d932d1096 |
500,000 |
0 |
Round A Affiliates |
Round A Affiliate #5 |
0x703089-54a1850x7030892dbF9c2048E796296dDA597F145754a185 |
500,000 |
500,000 |
Round A Affiliates |
Round A Affiliate #6 |
0x8c994A-3366860x8c994AdA51d35B8519424368807fb99C10336686 |
500,000 |
500,000 |
Round A Affiliates |
Round A Affiliate #7 |
0xDe6B49-2Dfbe90xDe6B493D368316b9078454e37DCE4968482Dfbe9 |
500,000 |
1 |
Exchanges |
Kraken |
0x713625-9560270x7136255E5758397506C360625961cc0de6956027 |
0 |
4,379,091 |
Exchanges |
Kucoin (hot wallet #1) |
0xB0a384-A05b000xB0a384fAe14fa7A66Cc7Dd52e079ca2264A05b00 |
0 |
65,093 |
Exchanges |
Kucoin (cold wallet) |
0xD6216f-D19a2c0xD6216fC19DB775Df9774a6E33526131dA7D19a2c |
0 |
4,572,534 |
Exchanges | |
0x0D0707-b492Fe0x0D0707963952f2fBA59dD06f2b425ace40b492Fe |
0 |
409,373 |
Exchanges |
HotBit |
0xA3C8Ae-5A6e580xA3C8Ae0772Cf6AF0295131B2E83C79ba3C5A6e58 |
0 |
0 |
Exchanges |
Liquid |
0x07EA31-47FA0f0x07EA3141809F21e19D2d41c8EC5A1244C247FA0f |
0 |
207 |
Staking |
Booster Pool |
0x3Bd4D4-88bcc70x3Bd4D48D022ACA4C3FC1Fe673CF4741D5888bcc7 |
0 |
61,300 |
Staking |
Engie Energy Access |
0x8df330-4a527a0x8df330b8966ebE69Be996653e50252c6D44a527a |
0 |
6,899 |
Staking |
CRC Pool incl Rewards |
0x181A8b-8c417A0x181A8b2a5AEb25941F6A79b4aE43dBb1968c417A |
0 |
408,310 |
Validator |
3Degrees |
0xA08278-A019FA0xA0827857FA91A9B4D720268B61B2DC96BAA019FA |
0 |
0 |
Validator |
Bloxmove |
0x9430A2-24E66D0x9430A215FFCA453252137908CAACD504C224E66D |
0 |
0 |
Inactive |
Validator |
Acciona |
0xC77B90-DA4E230xC77B908353E648C3C08A9071E9129EA9FCDA4E23 |
0 |
113 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
0x87449A-050AE10x87449AA1412E34F0450CC5AA795200E05B050AE1 |
0 |
112,199 |
Validator |
Allgäuer Ăberlandwerk |
0xF8EB4F-4996D90xF8EB4F3B9C179A5E0F76BC1A7A8B15A5B74996D9 |
0 |
2 |
Validator |
Blockdaemon (AnyBlock Analytics) |
0xB1DD54-86425D0xB1DD5415DFA3E82E63AF394E48F0D4D8E686425D |
0 |
0 |
Validator |
ASA Automation |
0x9C562C-07B08B0x9C562C804AEDF1B506B61E45C83A789BF207B08B |
0 |
7,367 |
Validator |
Austin Consultants |
0x177E14-EC79780x177E147E5552903629CCE2E42361EDD899EC7978 |
0 |
18,707 |
Validator |
Blok-Z |
0xC0C32D-E6CC250xC0C32DCF53C2DDD97087EE0042729705B2E6CC25 |
0 |
17 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
Deutsche ErdWarme |
0x874008-34AB800x874008D366995B5AEF76A5126D8A5F1AE934AB80 |
0 |
8,245 |
Validator |
E-regio |
0xB92043-D991D80xB920432447E50F21EBDEAA6E5431A8E91DD991D8 |
0 |
20,750 |
Validator |
0x9E88DD-0BDA7D0x9E88DD25B6236E625709CA2830DEE8D0C70BDA7D |
0 |
85,612 |
Validator |
Electra Caldense |
0x5831D2-966A590x5831D2FBBF925C5131C75A2197E73C416C966A59 |
0 |
32,181 |
Validator |
Electric Blue Trading |
0x44BAC1-AC859B0x44BAC1E2A2F6B44F71C5BFA8CFDCBEB73DAC859B |
0 |
20 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
Elia Group |
0x63BE1C-B144240x63BE1C775237F4C02F94396A7A7837D6C9B14424 |
0 |
4,071 |
Rewards are routed to another address (their Round A address) |
Validator |
Elocity |
0xA93C0D-86B23A0xA93C0D81BA7CD8A0C41016F09D02AA385586B23A |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Elocity miner, last block #21907887 (04-jan-2023) |
Validator |
Enerjisa Enerji |
0xAD6F90-15668D0xAD6F905F533970F591DF630670007E0C5315668D |
0 |
17 |
Rewards are routed to another address (unknown) |
Validator |
Engie |
0x319736-42A6510x319736D0E5E921DF081E50CB36C7B4BA3642A651 |
0 |
31,557 |
Validator |
Evolugen (Brookfield Renewables) |
0xA11214-98A3140xA11214FDBCE59E256B859EF0BE2481ACFD98A314 |
0 |
58,921 |
Validator |
EWF1 miner |
0xD65B4C-1A0E9B0xD65B4C25A4CE1E024FF13425DF1E0E574A1A0E9B |
0 |
30 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
FlexiDAO |
0x045DF4-5FE79C0x045DF4EA79B1F17E451B9EB5E153DB8AE95FE79C |
0 |
118 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
Fluvius |
0xF37D30-E4338B0xF37D30F8325771450C2EE1EB5B38BF4CC6E4338B |
0 |
65,150 |
Validator |
0x8AFD93-F1FF300x8AFD93BF5BD9446C7A2070BA0B151F3F1CF1FF30 |
0 |
45,079 |
Validator |
VERV (Green Running) |
0xC56B67-B187CA0xC56B672AFD3FAE873BF8A40BBE80F51075B187CA |
0 |
15,967 |
Validator |
Inavitas |
0x904E3E-63C28A0x904E3EAB954EB80DABD5435DB4BCC7413863C28A |
0 |
2,013 |
Validator |
LO3 |
0xD28A46-A38C420xD28A4659DF172152CF3812DEC96EDDAA99A38C42 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive miner address, last block #22463911 (06-feb-2023) |
Validator |
Mercados Electricos |
0xB5DA81-BDF0B80xB5DA81B0C1C808EF6D761DACFBA725BFE7BDF0B8 |
0 |
36,251 |
Validator |
Nethermind |
0x46D8BC-0AF9F90x46D8BCDB927E20A56B33BBD0DA75E32B540AF9F9 |
0 |
0 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
Oli Systems |
0x86A5A4-9333210x86A5A44CFF58638784C2028E7181CEDE57933321 |
0 |
137 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
PTT Plc |
0xDAD228-B4BD890xDAD22897407D4F5E93E5D8B49B19ABEBA4B4BD89 |
0 |
113,675 |
Validator |
SB Energy |
0x10B598-C42A780x10B598DAD5DDD32B85A1B8F4365615D6BDC42A78 |
0 |
0 |
Validator |
Scytale Horizon |
0xFB7720-8BF8130xFB7720716B3B2FA8940E3F46B7C53843718BF813 |
0 |
558 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
South Pole |
0x9CD949-94E5340x9CD949E2CE9F1408DEE663318F5281C5ED94E534 |
0 |
44,195 |
Inactive miner address, last block #23400195 (04-apr-2023) |
Validator |
0xF02BA8-46CDD90xF02BA87B74453A54D5EBB5A048CBACB90046CDD9 |
0 |
4,877 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
Stedin |
0x25B022-3502120x25B02276431D29E481878140A0DB68A8A1350212 |
0 |
37 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
Tenaska Power Services |
0x46495E-0332A00x46495E58BC75CD44A8EC6EE6200A6035EF0332A0 |
0 |
178,842 |
Validator |
0x54809E-BB23F30x54809EA74BECDD734D2C4329729835AB39BB23F3 |
0 |
0 |
Validator |
0x936FB3-CC43570x936FB33641B1E7DFE277D40C0C38621C8DCC4357 |
0 |
8,413 |
Inactive miner address, last block #22762105 (24-feb-2023) |
Validator |
Vodafone |
0x292DAD-A5AB760x292DADA7A8CF9603E8DDFBD5BF2E580818A5AB76 |
0 |
12 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
Wirepas |
0x6C8714-C22FD50x6C87141BE1105C37B8B27DAA25975C1575C22FD5 |
0 |
41,301 |
Validator |
Zytech |
0x4C8FC2-6B11E00x4C8FC2CAD90BEE5332E887D3C9184424E76B11E0 |
0 |
2,925 |
Validator |
Scytale Horizon PayoutAddress |
0x73455e-0c44730x73455eAc3304742695527D2AD455c8eE890c4473 |
0 |
1,716 |
PayoutAddress for Scytale miner |
Validator |
Electric Blue Trading PayoutAddress |
0x3975B7-7A71670x3975B79cA5f14757D0613B4AfE3694EC147A7167 |
0 |
1,211 |
PayoutAddress for Electric Blue Trading miner |
Validator |
Blok-Z PayoutAddress |
0x4813E2-D765d60x4813E2b291c373bF7a8590B695B0A77f43D765d6 |
0 |
9,214 |
PayoutAddress for Blok-Z miner |
Validator |
Nethermind PayoutAddress |
0xBc1129-4F3BDB0xBc11295936Aa79d594139de1B2e12629414F3BDB |
0 |
11 |
PayoutAddress for Nethermind miner |
Validator |
Stadtwerke Klagenfurt |
0xABCae6-4E2a3D0xABCae6fe36b82DFaEb8F4A21eab4aC67454E2a3D |
0 |
41,393 |
Validator |
Stedin PayoutAddress |
0xC32E39-dc10430xC32E395d5DC1dDf2eE8390f53DB8b5Ee3fdc1043 |
0 |
684,299 |
PayoutAddress for Stedin miner |
Validator |
SP Group PayoutAddress |
0x41fcf9-09823b0x41fcf95a80cA2B6E95B3AF33029FC83DE309823b |
0 |
565,320 |
PayoutAddress for SP Group miner |
Validator |
EWF2 PayoutAddress |
0x815E18-134Eb60x815E18cD4238568E70edeFeBDa45696b07134Eb6 |
0 |
185,166 |
PayoutAddress for EWF2 miner |
Validator |
EWF1 PayoutAddress |
0xB045E8-Bebbe20xB045E809005E4a5fa405659c39fb9a6af6Bebbe2 |
0 |
180,589 |
PayoutAddress for EWF1 miner |
Validator |
EWF3 PayoutAddress |
0xe59504-b13DA60xe595048f2C467a3123C4BCDE597962467Fb13DA6 |
0 |
171,471 |
PayoutAddress for EWF3 miner |
Validator |
Community Electricity |
0 |
1 |
Has sold most of their EWT through a Kucoin wallet (hot#2) |
Validator |
Scytale miner #1 |
0x9f0f00-a5d6720x9f0f002b674312fb729e86bce5bb588fd7a5d672 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Scytale miner. Mined blocks ExtraData indicate Scytale as miner |
Validator |
Scytale miner #2 |
0xbC0430-583C100xbC04309D494B97a562Be67A4A86B28Bc0c583C10 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Scytale miner. Mined blocks ExtraData indicate Scytale as miner |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xcfE796-e565930xcfE7964b0b6412b013Dc019bDF3AfEf58be56593 |
6,424,868 |
0 |
See: 0x2ce42c-b0eBe1 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xfD7A30-08b2E70xfD7A30D3C2bD017A458610274C275059D308b2E7 |
2,413,544 |
313,188 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Scytale |
0x871ba4-aB662b0x871ba4266793aD11dA537D4857dE7Ad49EaB662b |
1,750,000 |
0 |
Received EWT from old Scytale mining node |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xb61C11-e468E10xb61C11B6E42d459EFAEe8995c44DB08507e468E1 |
337,600 |
1 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x656E55-3501ff0x656E5569BeF7781bf0Db199D32027766053501ff |
319,032 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x115381-E4Db500x1153818a2EB49F0a71B27313C32814fc02E4Db50 |
312,280 |
149,999 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x6Dd10e-F87a2D0x6Dd10e41A7a84FE23ab35feFa2F46C9895F87a2D |
285,930 |
880 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x156961-1C11e90x15696134ebeed360dc90DC97dDD00bd07e1C11e9 |
250,000 |
250,000 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x349ebc-28e64F0x349ebc5a6e853df121c84E999081e5992928e64F |
250,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x3A9d83-cd1ECE0x3A9d83766c03c465851a38DaA364ef7DEccd1ECE |
250,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x3C9f86-5C2F9b0x3C9f867D9b3a595987E198786FA9aB722E5C2F9b |
250,000 |
101 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x4d0aA1-723d830x4d0aA1c3459BF41e3Ad4E4F40Bbf029Cb5723d83 |
250,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x6a0A5d-9a4b6C0x6a0A5dA2a48ea87C2A906C53b3373642c29a4b6C |
250,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x96A5eb-831Fc90x96A5eb172EfdF262Ed6beaaF0E20C6Af71831Fc9 |
250,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xBe4888-5685C40xBe4888C5b021E5F16cd254DE2D4EAF17625685C4 |
250,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xc1d441-73099D0xc1d441a2aD43Af7b4A3d8E3200d2cEB3A973099D |
250,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xE23c7c-f107760xE23c7cB60189BB2FD60625d2C2747B1e68f10776 |
250,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x002D46-0853f50x002D4606B65c033769968bCdc63881b90B0853f5 |
180,787 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x6D5167-07a68c0x6D516767E4068FC331BDb331fba7578BDb07a68c |
166,667 |
166,667 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x1f0c30-7a22960x1f0c30B1aA4C468B5Beb02BaC8DF8F27617a2296 |
166,581 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xD44FB8-E0cE4d0xD44FB8De580D34F44789408cC9335c9A9cE0cE4d |
126,621 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x25Ae7b-B8642f0x25Ae7b45D8646580dfcAE403D29164729eB8642f |
125,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x664f99-CE6f720x664f991cDb2ffe6b6A568edE65b0208DBCCE6f72 |
125,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xA720A8-8154540xA720A8EE90f5013cAe9BF7BCac1d153E42815454 |
125,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xDb6cc5-8824fC0xDb6cc57168c07b83a00f1f8871538446068824fC |
125,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xe6E8A1-396EF10xe6E8A111C89B05337049dE9349C7C4880a396EF1 |
125,000 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xFfCf98-2dD0900xFfCf98C62c1BAd480aB6846717B173A72e2dD090 |
125,000 |
125,000 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xb99900-CD7Fc70xb999004B49C6b907D4278067DA5c85195DCD7Fc7 |
38,333 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xf4e310-fb26fC0xf4e31018A926F64CB780cB9f5f027377bCfb26fC |
37,500 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x5fBb9c-D5Bfa20x5fBb9c482034D287c5B3848Fc2F9272abdD5Bfa2 |
16,667 |
1 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x880E8b-6b9b290x880E8b0ecE0171EDd0247f8d13D348d77A6b9b29 |
16,667 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xA69DCa-690f6C0xA69DCa0814EAadC89B6dBE94c5e2110497690f6C |
16,667 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xC58A20-95fe300xC58A20e290E858542D8e8bb07b600aeb9195fe30 |
16,667 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x404Bb9-56B19d0x404Bb9c13364522133B363d5C4Adb7a88056B19d |
13,333 |
36,014 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x00C2F6-E3cc4e0x00C2F65230815D30EaA1A4d057bCF0B72FE3cc4e |
12,500 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x03CccD-a1086f0x03CccDC799d4DC37d56E3f9DBa7f9c210fa1086f |
12,500 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x047D95-03a0660x047D955877a55Fbdac768573a9259f29B103a066 |
12,500 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x0ad7Ba-e5643f0x0ad7Ba4aF33B485e6F2505c417554631a3e5643f |
12,500 |
1 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x3AbAA3-Cec2290x3AbAA3f24428d6028F5A7FC5b18ce9D04cCec229 |
12,500 |
12,500 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x428aB4-ff9a730x428aB4B019EE3a9B9863B2B4Bf1885CE6dff9a73 |
12,500 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x48Ee57-6bc4430x48Ee57fAf61c0b963113e7921e6173629e6bc443 |
12,500 |
12,500 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x57f33E-dfe96e0x57f33EfaD76D4B783cf42c9e6Cb08f4425dfe96e |
12,500 |
2,499 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x7ed62C-4CCCcb0x7ed62CF71D519d3Bf293ef90829508F92F4CCCcb |
12,500 |
78,476 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x9196e4-e614E20x9196e46D664CEDa55CB45a2CC5ab5Bd1b7e614E2 |
12,500 |
12,500 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x943c85-Ae02880x943c85B13f24083Ec73815f7Ba763B7c42Ae0288 |
12,500 |
12,500 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x9467B7-3694220x9467B762550673F08B14423F8562048d5E369422 |
12,500 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xB476Ee-7729690xB476Ee7D610DAe7B23B671EBC7Bd6112E9772969 |
12,500 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xdAcD80-c766190xdAcD80D8e1d4f117515CAA477eE7599cDfc76619 |
12,500 |
7,500 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xFFd9b8-c00d780xFFd9b871dF6e93803C0877E98fC1722B39c00d78 |
12,500 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x006e37-d87DE60x006e371C454a2d081f3966c180Ba2C6165d87DE6 |
8,333 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x06FdB9-4D632C0x06FdB93aa64F33A8fb40a36c462a3f7A074D632C |
8,333 |
8,333 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x0dd959-8F399B0x0dd959deB4C458cc2aC379898Bf2c99f7A8F399B |
8,333 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x2540dE-C954000x2540dED041b6FEdC0Ff6F0CF26b891Ec97C95400 |
8,333 |
8,333 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x3885D1-702ED40x3885D15573E45228Dd54Cd4FDe9BfAc64d702ED4 |
8,333 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x3F12af-f4c9220x3F12af735238C6E2FA45eFB5b2F3FAE82Df4c922 |
8,333 |
8,333 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x5b3fb4-9580710x5b3fb4e1d6040615F3e681bEc4C80b5d7C958071 |
8,333 |
8,333 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x6cf32C-6E2a130x6cf32Cc52E220C023C2d92B1D62310F46a6E2a13 |
8,333 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x949423-cb34890x949423dB1BFeE1ddEc99c9D24a12a6eA27cb3489 |
8,333 |
8,333 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Acciona |
0xB08045-1bceA90xB080454F190E76eB8e719560fA8CAE50c71bceA9 |
8,333 |
97,557 |
PayoutAddress for Acciona miner |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xb5B6D8-6952050xb5B6D8885fbF28f843Cc7886DE242B811d695205 |
8,333 |
8,083 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xd33D4F-32C0970xd33D4F83e85c92E0B53ffe4FC0E18b0E3632C097 |
8,333 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xEbbDDf-fe4e2b0xEbbDDf28bF3224791B0510a2AB8813f182fe4e2b |
8,333 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0xf8E6ec-bf002E0xf8E6ecb4B0f17576525749bDF85524652cbf002E |
8,333 |
0 |
Round B/C Affiliates |
Round B/C Affiliate |
0x887f2B-44dAF20x887f2B16847248bc757b69F3c695F24Ff344dAF2 |
4,299 |
0 |
Holding |
Holding (Distribution contract) |
0x120470-0000040x1204700000000000000000000000000000000004 |
41,198,207 |
0 |
Exchanges |
BitMart |
0xC2898A-Ac5f760xC2898A2dF40969F45aC8681155FC354057Ac5f76 |
0 |
84 |
Other |
Community Marketing Plan |
0x82c79F-Fe9E180x82c79F48F6c58fE624E5e499c314572987Fe9E18 |
0 |
91 |
Community marketing initiative |
Other |
Biggest Affiliate from round A/B/C |
0x2ce42c-b0eBe10x2ce42c2B3aCff7eddcfd32DCB0703F1870b0eBe1 |
0 |
2,538,212 |
This address contains the funds of the biggest affiliate from round A (2m EWT) and round b/c (6,4m EWT). It has also received 62k EWT from an address that is assumed related to RMI on which it has received EWT from EW for consultancy services |
Validator |
FlexiDAO PayoutAddress |
0xc7d069-Ef4A200xc7d0695c53D17dac89846BfBaFc897293BEf4A20 |
0 |
46,885 |
PayoutAddress for FlexiDAO miner |
Validator |
Austrian Power Grid |
0xbcc3f0-6574f20xbcc3f0c116cb7e98ad4fd981058dd047756574f2 |
0 |
122,370 |
Validator |
Terna Energy |
0xf7b159-cb13a60xf7b159e913a3b137eac60256ac199e46c5cb13a6 |
0 |
26,645 |
Validator |
EWF2 miner |
0x83329c-2a06430x83329c3fd90d7ee2efd546e0dc6453e9172a0643 |
0 |
30 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Validator |
EWF3 miner |
0xde1583-e50f200xde15831ac319dab5eae5fd1fd9d52876c5e50f20 |
0 |
0 |
Rewards are routed to another address |
Exchanges |
Kucoin (hot wallet #2) |
0x89e3Ab-741A620x89e3Ab767cd56E69A18Cde04C81ABc6520741A62 |
0 |
40,371 |
Presumably a Kucoin related wallet. It has transfered 150k EWT to Kucoin cold wallet |
Validator |
SB Energy (cold wallet) |
0x0C55A5-f6827F0x0C55A564C511270eA740EAED2D28367112f6827F |
0 |
0 |
Funds moved from Validator wallet to cold storage |
Exchanges |
BitMart hot wallet #2 |
0xaD8199-4c87b70xaD8199326fb304ae8f36F28C1e95947Cb64c87b7 |
0 |
32,529 |
Bitmart new hot wallet |
Exchanges |
Bitrue wallet |
0x6564bc-e1E6100x6564bcB2d9DaCF53B06feBDa50D600C34fe1E610 |
0 |
95,985 |
Bitrue wallet |
Team |
EWF Operating |
0xD1A847-BE08dF0xD1A847CC069dfa956848fF9561D6d35620BE08dF |
0 |
487,514 |
An EWF operating wallet. From here funds are moved to various other wallets or exchanges |
Team |
Old Green Pool |
0x64a818-8E7fEc0x64a8188eB40A347a95501262054B37fd1c8E7fEc |
0 |
0 |
Initial Green Proof Staking Pool, but not in use due to issues during launch |
Staking |
Green Pool |
0xA507B0-edd5380xA507B00463ce82DF6a105Ab05f810809fAedd538 |
0 |
817,130 |
Green Proof Staking Pool |
Validator |
Vodafone PayoutAddress |
0x72d70E-8addF90x72d70E4D4e324b03D131091e43d0B577a98addF9 |
0 |
19,953 |
PayoutAddress for Vodafone |
Validator |
Electra Caldense PayoutAddress |
0x819d19-a38Ae00x819d19e54de8e7c142283D3D5640AF8712a38Ae0 |
0 |
43,719 |
Cold storage. Received EWT from mining address |
Validator |
Electra Caldense |
0xc9E97e-859d610xc9E97e86B0BC9658Cf136BE900a1c49acB859d61 |
0 |
6,186 |
Received EWT form Caldense cold storage and participated in staking |
Staking |
Silver and Gold Rewards |
0xBB167D-4EcC990xBB167D5B6fe50aB6AA7Dd3D5e9e390A6394EcC99 |
0 |
0 |
This is the wallet that holds the rewards for the extra APY for the Consortia staking pool |
Validator |
Oli Systems PayoutAddress |
0x5084Da-44459d0x5084Da4C19315883eaFCA786C14e045c6944459d |
0 |
34,297 |
PayoutAddress for Oli Systems miner |
Validator |
AES miner |
0x9963b4-8ccd480x9963b4ed7eb38b26e3aae8cbf5062434c08ccd48 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive AES miner (AES-validator-prod) discovered with #1722 |
Validator |
Elocity miner |
0x8f3b4a-9dec980x8f3b4a832973ac746507740d980d2d0aec9dec98 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Elocity miner, discovered with block #2102 |
Validator | miner |
0x09acd5-57df790x09acd588ce7252d07fe4f4fac5d43b54ff57df79 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive miner, discovered with block #248373 |
Validator |
1kx miner |
0xf6bd8d-ff4c7d0xf6bd8d0b0f7e3b412d12c2d5d6c22e528fff4c7d |
0 |
0 |
Inactive 1kx miner, discovered with block #526887 |
Validator |
TEPCO miner |
0xce8704-cc999e0xce87047bb8174dd0aa423a626c97816263cc999e |
0 |
1 |
Inactive Tepco miner, discovered with block #646108 |
Validator |
0xb3d285-175e060xb3d2852e7C95ABa70C989B0741E50bd025175e06 |
0 |
141,451 |
AES related (cold) storage. Received funds from current miner and old miner |
Validator |
Elocity (deposit) |
0x8d4812-eA458b0x8d4812A3cB2b0E949d792fbDd35076D07ceA458b |
0 |
0 |
Elocity Kucoin deposit address |
Validator |
Elocity PayoutAddress |
0x19541b-e505d20x19541bC3447101dD4467000CD6bd4E6F53e505d2 |
0 |
3 |
PayoutAddress for old Elocity miner |
Validator |
Elocity PayoutAddress |
0x33258a-A89A630x33258a8b9D766070E170D7ffB2D6Dfc210A89A63 |
0 |
0 |
PayoutAddress for old Elocity miner |
Validator |
Electrofruit miner |
0x17d9c7-3c3cef0x17d9c712b71987c084ac11046aceeace393c3cef |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Electrofruit miner, discovered with block #1115523 |
Validator |
Energia en Bloque miner |
0xb19854-e146ce0xb198548535f116b9917a2b87eee6552bcee146ce |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Energia en Bloque miner, discovered with block #1265034 |
Validator |
Vlux miner |
0x213342-09a6f20x213342be4f4625292303c17abaccfd09c709a6f2 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Vlux miner discovered with block #1831549 |
Validator |
ASA Automation PayoutAddress |
0x626298-6BcfD40x6262987ad5B75F438f8F180E66010034D56BcfD4 |
0 |
0 |
PayoutAddress for ASA Automation minging address untill last year. Is now used for monthly EWF fee payments in EWT (presumably) |
Team |
EWF Fees |
0xe023CA-7804c80xe023CAbC90bCA4B652F2B21a191c3cDb9a7804c8 |
0 |
8,334 |
Receives EWF fees from various validators |
Validator |
Enerjisa Enerji PayoutAddress |
0x8b3513-A1F61D0x8b351364DF942200fB99065d2237B42A4FA1F61D |
0 |
4,522 |
PayoutAddress for Enerjisa Enerji |
Validator |
Inavitas (cold) |
0x0006A6-8EbC8C0x0006A6E37427a61C58A62bD14Fef69F5c68EbC8C |
0 |
0 |
Cold storage for Inavitas and pays EWF fees from this wallet to EWF |
Validator |
Shell miner |
0x364420-845e450x36442034c3bbb16e02aecab880b3918fa5845e45 |
0 |
45,967 |
Inactive Shell miner, discovered with block #3409682 |
Validator |
MTC miner |
0xb6fc6b-6bb0710xb6fc6bb2128c46b1a2f8c5c777fb9f42af6bb071 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive MTC miner, discovered with block #3426778 |
Validator |
Vestas miner |
0x92472f-9174140x92472f433f703dbc1bc171b7d8fd4bb0b9917414 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Vestas miner, discovered with block #7396466 |
Validator |
Nethermind miner #1 |
0x8397b2-4e9a5e0x8397b2a58cc909b35d3b6d4649ac8c5bb54e9a5e |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Nethermind miner #1, discovered with block #8024721 |
Validator |
Nethermind miner #2 |
0xa1a8d4-b235ed0xa1a8d41090fb40cbf45498154b98a6a818b235ed |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Nethermind miner #2, discovered with block #8024745 |
Validator |
Nethermind miner #3 |
0xe69122-a149b30xe6912220361267daccbf67cd0a9c2114a6a149b3 |
0 |
1 |
Inactive Nethermind miner #3, discovered with block #8056325 |
Validator |
Nethermind miner #4 |
0xa1da06-f5daa40xa1da061e2672bf97ea31a5f4eccfd66964f5daa4 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Nethermind miner #4, discovered with block #8159049. Moved remaining funds to the LO3 mining address |
Validator |
Eletrobras miner |
0xca41a7-d5a5390xca41a7b756af8acc6bf17776931d411152d5a539 |
0 |
33,628 |
Inactive Eletrobras miner, discovered with block #8716362 |
Validator |
R3C miner |
0x3ecbf1-d8eb010x3ecbf123aec0bd8d1a4c190b2aaf3495e0d8eb01 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive R3C miner, discovered with block #8764168 |
Validator |
Wipro miner |
0xeef4c9-fe7dbc0xeef4c97563d485390c0fb739e726d15694fe7dbc |
0 |
3,413 |
Inactive Wipro miner, discovered with block #9269193 |
Validator |
Fohat miner #1 |
0x5c7b8b-67be110x5c7b8be9c4d3510793cf18ae59d65d62c167be11 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Fohat miner, discovered with block #9311673 |
Validator |
Gnosis miner |
0x21fea5-05e7560x21fea503e83ac0a3d5c8f6248a2cce385205e756 |
0 |
12,518 |
Inactive Gnosis miner, discovered with block #10327422 |
Validator |
Telios miner |
0x8418be-a62fe20x8418be1e38bdade93b060730217e433ea0a62fe2 |
0 |
0 |
Inactive Telios miner, discovered with block #11103197 |
Validator |
Fohat miner #2 |
0x6e86b7-08a2aa0x6e86b73cd9ec4cf5c18a618706c6d6b5a708a2aa |
0 |
1 |
Inactive Fohat, discovered with block #18073380 |
Founders |
GSy Kucoin deposit |
0x7e25b0-1B8B3f0x7e25b05bA11d31D78d7d857b3E166FB5C41B8B3f |
0 |
0 |
Kucoin deposit address used by GridSingularity |
Round B/C Affiliates |
2,4m EWT Affiliate Kucoin deposit |
0x639b3e-9c21e50x639b3e556e69a151a1f383cf08edfbd5189c21e5 |
0 |
0 |
Kucoin deposit address used by an affiliate that originally got 2,4m EWT. This address has moved EWT to Kucoin on the exact same dates as the GSy address. |
Exchanges |
Kraken (contract) |
0x0c0740-b2ee830x0c074090e8216f0600585aadf586f3de84b2ee83 |
0 |
0 |
Kraken smart contract that receives EWT and passes it from the deposit address to Krakens hot wallet |
Founders |
RMI Kraken deposit |
0xCAA382-EAFead0xCAA3820918bb8E5190A3C765E2c79503b6EAFead |
0 |
0 |
Kraken deposit address used by RMI at the time of selling the consultancy fee received from EWF in EWT |
Founders |
RMI Kucoin deposit |
0x85d4fB-Ed3b830x85d4fB18b5da004B75e9ba84f52fE4bbcaEd3b83 |
0 |
0 |
Kucoin deposit address used by RMI at the time of selling the consultancy fee received from EWF in EWT |
Exchanges |
Kucoin internal wallet |
0xdEb47F-aF289e0xdEb47FE88C2bAb804a692261ecd81C8cDdaF289e |
0 |
0 |
EWT flows from Kucoin deposit addresses to this address and then to the Kucoin hot wallet (0xB0a38) |
Validator |
Quinbrook miner |
0xc3060e-a16ed00xc3060e086aa860c94b43dbcba29d359ef8a16ed0 |
0 |
0 |
Quinbrook miner, automatically added by tracking block (#22343787) |
Team |
EWF Kraken deposit |
0xcb5cbb-45194b0xcb5cbb55bdc1d16773215b81e31b9662a345194b |
0 |
0 |
Kraken Deposit address used by EWF Team |
Team |
EWF Kucoin deposit |
0xf08ab1-2d5be90xf08ab18b22dbda8c66e8b46c0056c46bb72d5be9 |
0 |
0 |
Kucoin Deposit address used by EWF Team |
Round B/C Affiliates |
2,4m EWT Affiliate Kraken deposit |
0x1bf205-7023b40x1bf2058b703f2bfec6f59c1710420596657023b4 |
0 |
0 |
Kraken deposit address used by an affiliate that originally got 2,4m EWT. This address has moved EWT to Kucoin and Kraken on the exact same dates as the GSy address. |
Other |
Uniswap V2 Router |
0x3b932c-21decb0x3b932c3f73a9eb6836cd31145f2d47561e21decb |
0 |
0 |
Uniswap V2 router contract |
Validator |
Deloitte miner |
0xfef3d2-217dd60xfef3d27ef631ef02fe616e57f1ba6888c6217dd6 |
0 |
35 |
Deloitte Validator setup by Nethermind. Automatically added by tracking block (#22814803) |
Validator |
Scytale cold storage |
0xAD1A4D-0E9ACB0xAD1A4DF09363B64C58B90AA37E3FA4C87E0E9ACB |
0 |
142,323 |
Taken from the official validator dashboard |
Validator |
Aventus miner |
0x68e2bd-7079490x68e2bdba5da0793cf9031e1364a22b18ef707949 |
0 |
7,985 |
Aventus Miner setup by Nethermind. Automatically added by tracking block (#24090708) |
Validator |
Deutsche Telecom miner |
0x767dc7-f0de060x767dc7f9d1090ce0b7cd7422ff889049baf0de06 |
0 |
12,297 |
Deutsche Telekom setup by Nethermind. Automatically added by tracking block (#24204827) |
Validator |
SB Energy PayoutAddress |
0xa59bef-7154910xa59bef7b35c165be2bf967a9e2c8965ed2715491 |
0 |
0 |
SB Energy PayoutAddress found in RewardContract transactions |
Validator |
Electric Blue Trading PayoutAddress |
0xb60040-e475bb0xb600409101ab33d1a7df8af526a2efbc72e475bb |
0 |
2 |
Electric Blue PayoutAddress found in RewardContract transactions |
Validator |
Nethermind PayoutAddress |
0xce47b1-65679a0xce47b193b8c66be1ebedb6119230714ac565679a |
0 |
25,059 |
Nethermind PayoutAddress found in RewardContract transactions |
Validator |
Fohat PayoutAddress |
0x1222bf-a7e5190x1222bfba52f78e4a395540656a239aaa60a7e519 |
0 |
0 |
Fohat PayoutAddress found in RewardContract transactions |
Validator |
Vestas PayoutAddress |
0xbdc98b-fbd3d50xbdc98bda0426d2a815607e76adfc8f788efbd3d5 |
0 |
0 |
Vestas PayoutAddress found in RewardContract transactions |
Validator |
Vestas PayoutAddress |
0x6cf9c6-17ab510x6cf9c6f3deee86612db888ffb6eb0f4a1317ab51 |
0 |
0 |
Vestas PayoutAddress found in RewardContract transactions |
Validator |
Quinbrook PayoutAddress |
0x388dbe-0f70de0x388dbec3a6b52752bf21e2deebacb359fc0f70de |
0 |
12,593 |
Quinbrook PayoutAddress found in RewardContract transactions |
Validator |
Deloitte Validator PayoutAddress |
0x4516a0-93560b0x4516a027a06d8144fe0e0731ac6289f96393560b |
0 |
50,149 |
Deloitte Validator PayoutAddress found in RewardContract transactions |
Validator |
CarbonEnfo miner |
0xb76e6a-21e50b0xb76e6a55af56034d78f485f97b462da00b21e50b |
0 |
2 |
CarbonEnfo miner Automatically added by tracking block (#25588797) |
Validator |
Unknown validator |
0xb4b110-b798730xb4b110aaa2405342211cdb91e8bfc8fb29b79873 |
0 |
4 |
Automatically added by tracking block (#27120094) Related to Elia? |
Validator |
Blok Z miner |
0x8e92b0-7199810x8e92b0080b33c9b0f84d29f558cdb96eb7719981 |
0 |
0 |
Automatically added by tracking block (#28000269 Blok Z according to validator dashboard |
Validator |
Unknown validator |
0x261add-1b9e480x261add1eab701ad26c60da2129dc25af991b9e48 |
0 |
0 |
Automatically added by tracking block (#28557081) Related to Enerjisa Enerji |
Exchanges |
Mexc deposits |
0x574eA7-5a31eb0x574eA7a19E93667Ee0475868Ed1d8894b75a31eb |
0 |
410,714 |
Address where deposits go to automatically after depositing at Mexc |
Team |
Membership fees |
0xbff00a-7ac8a90xbff00ae3e5f7f9b1dbdd7e6830ec301b177ac8a9 |
0 |
44,688 |
This wallet seems to collect membership payments in EWT from validators |